Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2
at St Anne’s Primary School

Hope you have had a wonderful Easter break!

We are very excited to be entering our last term in year 2 and preparing to be year 3 ready!

Please keep up with your reading, spelling and maths on our fantastic apps to make the learning in the classroom that little bit easier!

For our English this half term we will be focusing on the book, The Last Wolf. Children will learn everything they need to know about how to write a letter. We will be focusing on developing and applying everything we have learnt so far with a strong focus on using subordination (if, that), adding suffixes -er and -est to adjectives, identifying and spelling homophones or near homophones and apostrophes for contraction.

For our Maths lessons, we will be focusing on fractions. Children will use some of their knowledge from last half term to identify and make fractions of 1/2, 1/3, 1,4 and 2/4. We will then move onto telling the time. As this can be difficult for children to understand please encourage children to tell the time on an anologue clock at home as often as you can to the nearest 5 minutes.

In geography, we will be exploring the world and our place in it. Starting with finding the UK on a world map and being able to talk about the oceans and continents around us. We will also look at the north and south poles and how the equator splits the world in half. finally we will be comparing life in the UK with a non-european country.

In science, we will be looking at living things. We will talk about how we know if something is alive or dead and consider object that may never have been alive. We will investigate the needs of humans and how it is important to keep ourselves healthy.

In design technology we will be looking at puppets. Children will have the opportunity to explore different types of puppets and how they move and perform before designing and making their own puppet. Throught this, children will have the opportunity to consider different farbrics and how to connect these together, including learning to sew, and then decorations that we can use.

In PE, children will be practicing their movement skills through Athletics.

Things to remember

Our PE days will be on a Monday. Children need to come into school wearing their correct PE uniform.

Please make sure your child brings their book bag in each day so their book can be changed. We will be reading with your child throughout the week.

Children need to bring a labelled water bottle in each day.