Year 6 Welcome

Welcome to Year 6
at St Anne’s Primary School

Welcome to Year 6!

Teacher - Mr Jenner -

TA - Mrs L Mole

The children in Year 6 class have a great curiosity and a readiness to learn.

They are always kind, always ready and always safe.

We are excited for all of our topics this year and we feel very lucky to be able to share their final year here at St Anne’s Primary with them. 

English - Summer 1 - We will be focusing on our run up to SATs. We will be explicilty teaching different SPaG modules depending on the childrens GAPs in knowledge, this will then be used to apply to writing in Summer 2.

There are spelling patterns I would like the children to revise if possible, these are found here:

Maths - Summer 1 - In our build up to SATs children will be split into 3 groups to ensure a focus on GAPs needed before the end of Key Stage assessments. There will be a big focus on arithmetic with the 4 operations - applying these across topics incl. fractions, percentages, decimals and reasoning and problem solving.
Within teaching there will be 2 further topics covered over the next few weeks including ration and statistics.


History - World War - What was life like on the front line in WW1? (WW1)

Art - Can I simplify drawings of people, animals and places? (Wassily Kendinsky)

Computing - Data & Information – Introduction to spreadsheets

PE - Athletics - We will also be completing another week long swimming course beginning Monday 15th April.

RE - The Transforming Spirit - We will be studying what happened at the Ascension, how the Holy Spirit worked through the Apostles, what happened at the Pentecost and how the popes are all succesors of St Peter.

Science - Light - We will identify light sources, discuss how light travels and how light creates and effects shadows that objects project.

Summer 2 - Manfish - We will study the gorgeous book Manfish - The Story of Jacgues Cousteau. This will be in our build up to possible moderation, where the children will also look back on previous work, editing and re-drafting; applying newly learnt skills throughout the year to improve work.
For further information on end of Year 6 targets please look here: - pages 4&5.

Summer 2 - We will complete some themed projects to consolidate learning and to gain further problem solving skills prior to moving on to High School. These will be a great preperation for their move to High School.
The topics include - Bakery - Tourism - Future
They can be found here: