Welcome to F2
at St Anne’s Primary School

Early Years Foundation Stage Lead:

Mrs A Jones

Foundation Stage Teachers: 

F2 – Mrs A Jones & Mrs C Lyon

Foundation Stage Teaching Assistants: 

F2 – Ms M Ballard 

EYFS (PM): Miss C Brady

Welcome back to Summer 1

We hope you all managed to have a lovely Easter Break, eating lots of chocolate and spending quality time together. We can’t believe we are starting our final term in F2, the time has flown by!

The children have begun to really embed their learning now and have made some excellent progress, we are looking forward to consolidating their learning over the coming weeks and are excited for the children to explore all the challenges they will be set.

This half term our Literacy books will be ‘The Woolly Bear Caterpillar’ a gorgeous book by Julia Donaldson and our non-fiction book ‘Seed to plant’. The children have enjoyed learning the differences of fiction and non-fiction texts and this has enabled them to do lots of different types of writing. These books will explore the topic of life cycles, growing and minibeasts. This topic will be further enhanced through our Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design weekly lessons. In Maths we will begin to look at numbers up to 20 and the children will have lots of opportunities to explore these numbers. In addition to numbers to 20, we will also be exploring simple addition and subtraction and manipulation of a range of shapes. Our phonics sessions will continue daily and we will begin Phase 4 of our phonics learning. The children will be learning new tricky words, please practise these frequently with your child as this will really help them with fluency when reading.

We will continue to send some activities for the children to do at home. These will be posted on Class Dojo so please make sure you check it regularly. This is our main way of communicating messages and further information regarding workshops and key dates are also posted on here.

Reading days will be changing and you will have received a message on Class dojo regarding the specific day your child will need to bring their book in on. Reading is key to all learning and we would encourage you all to share books daily with your children alongside listening to them read. Developing a love of reading from an early age is essential for every child.

A few quick reminders - PE Day is Wednesday, please ensure your child comes to school wearing their School PE Kit and pumps or trainers, the children will need a jacket or hoodie on top of their t-shirt please. Children also need to bring a coat every day - we do go out come rain or shine. Can all children please bring in a water bottle each day.

As always our door is always open, please get in touch if you have any questions.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mrs Jones, Mrs Lyon & Miss Ballard